Monday, May 28, 2012

Ikujiro Nonaka - Wise leadership

The firm is a knowledge creating entity. The Nonaka knowlege spiral documents how knowlege is generated.   He advocates leadership from the middle.   This works in the network model corporate structure.   He notes that change can come from the middle management of an organization as they are often the first to see the need for change.   Decision is information processing.  Judgement involves awareness of the context behind the phenomenon including double loop learning.  The backround for this  comes from  liberal arts. The tacit and explicit also corresponds to Kahneman system 1 and 2 with the 1 being tacit and 2 being explicit.  When you teach someone to drive you start using the explicit.  Put your foot on the gas.  After they know how to drive it is internalized and tacit.

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