Sunday, July 15, 2012

End of Life (EOL)

My father lived to be 90.  In his last years, he realized he had Alzheimer’s and this  frustrated him, since his mind had always been sharp.     He became frail and would be admitted to the hospital, where he would improve and then be transferred to a rehab facility.  He would stay there for several months, and then recover enough to go home.   He was able to stay at home with the help of a caregiver, who came during the day.  After six months, he moved to an assisted living facility to be closer to family.   There again, he was admitted to the hospital, then transferred to rehab, and then back to assisted living.  After several cycles of this he became tired.   He wanted to be with his wife.  At that time we were unaware that we could request that he not be sent to the hospital.    By the last cycle it was clear he did not want to go to the hospital.   Hospice was arranged to take care of him.   Our experience was that the only way to die at home is through hospice. 

He did very little EOL planning.   People plan their vacations more than their EOL

Katherine Foley, MD on EOL

Mary Catherine Bateson on EOL    (Margaret Mead's daughter)

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