Monday, December 1, 2014


Rich is now defined as having 30 million dollars

The bottom 60 percent has negative net worth.

At the bottom money can buy happiness

Happiness by survey  vs.  GDP per capita
from Page Model Thinking Course

Life is a series of financial shocks.

Death of a spouse
A child

Insurance is the pooling of risks to limit random gratuitous inequality

Health insurance
Disability insurance
Life insurance
Unemployment insurance
Social security
Liability and homeowners
Workers Compensation

Bankruptcy was an improvement of the ancient Greek method of becoming a slave for 3 years to ones creditor for non-repayment.  Student debt is now not dischargeable by bankruptcy   

OYC Capitalism Course

The utility of money is an S curve.  This means at the bottom there is little utility to getting a few dollars.
Incentives at the bottom are different.
So a Starbucks treat is a rational choice to saving.

In the US  food, shelter, healthcare, and  insurance are considered options.
Government plays the major role in covering risk through tax and welfare and education
(Government is essentially an insurance company with an Army - Krugman )
Charity fills some of the gap

Robert Owen coined the term socialism to pool risk.   
He tried creating New Harmony, Ind.   Where everything was shared and it didn’t work.

Piketty Model
 if R >g inequality will increase.
Economics of Inequality 
Thomas Piketty

Deng Xiaoping  -  “we are all going to get rich but some will get rich first.”