Sunday, October 21, 2012


Neuro – Economics is partly the study of brain function imaging when the brain is active in games to see what parts of the brain are active

In the Prisoner’s dilemma there are 2 prisoners.  They have the option of tattling on each other, which is called defecting or they can cooperate and not tattle.  Do they cooperate or defect?   If both cooperate each gets 3 points.    If one cheats and the other cooperates the cheater gets 5 points and they get 0.  If they both cheat then they each get one. 

  In the prisoners dilemma imaging shows that the dopamine pleasure pathways lights up to become most active when both parties cooperate.   This does not happen when one party is cheating.   The frontal cortex lights up when it is resisting the temptation to cheat although cheating provides a larger reward in the short run.   The brain evaluates work vs. reward.    The frontal cortex has trouble resisting  the harder better payoff.   If it’s a no brainer like waiting one day for better reward resisting is easy.   If it takes 4 years to get a reward the frontal cortex is very active in deciding

The optimal strategy for repeated prisoners dilemma is tit for tat.  Cooperators in tit for tat loose the battle but win the war.  This is because groups that can cooperate score more points than the cheaters and eventually dominate.  Groups that share kinship and are smart, social, and stable tend to cooperate.  Groups that punish cheating, look at reputation, and practice secondary punishment, and have multiple games  also promote cooperation.  Large anonymous populations select against cooperation,  Most of human society lives in small groups.

 Tit for tat is susceptible to signaling error.  Someone cheats by accident.  Forgiving tit for tat is an answer to this.

Different areas of the brain decide problems depending on their framing for example:
A trolley is out of control and will hit 5 people.  You can pull a lever and make it change tracks and it will hit one person.  In second case you have to push a person on the track to save 5 people.  When this problem is posed people are 3 times more likely to pull the level then push the person.   Depending on the framing, when a person is contemplating the pushing a person to his death with his own hands his brains limbic system lights up compared with the frontal cortex lighting up when is contemplating pushing the lever.   For the hard decision we use the cat brain.  We use different parts of the brain to decide even though it is the same problem.  This is not rational.


After an evening walk across the Hudson on the specular River Walk in Poughkeepsie we met some friends for dinner at the Eveready Diner.    The subject of EOL came up and our friends mentioned that they already had obtained their cemetery plots.    Since I don’t know of any other people in their 50s who have a burial plot, I thought it was unusual.  They told us how their parents had obtained these plots, as it was a family plot that had been bought years ago.  However, their parents had changed plans and decided to be cremated and so our friends were given the spaces.   When their aunt learned they would be buried next to her she complained to the cemetery.   The cemetery person told our friend this is the first time this had come up in their hundred years of existence.   I did come up on Larry David’s TV show Curb your Enthusiasm.   To resolved this conflict and maintain family peace they had their plots moved to an adjacent row.